Consider the Word

Consider the Word

Joshua 1:7-9; 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5; Matthew 7:13-27  How Important is the Word of God to Me?  How Much Authority Does the Word Have Over My life?  What are the Consequences of Ignoring the Word?

Guarding the Gospel Truth

Guarding the Gospel Truth

2 Timothy 2:1-7  I Must Find Strength in Christ I Must be a Good Soldier for Christ Jesus I Must Run in Compliance with the Word I Must Let Go of the Praise of Man

Things Christians Struggle With

Things Christians Struggle With

As a Christian, sometimes the hardest thing to do is admit that we struggle on our faith journey.  We want it to appear that we’ve got thing nailed down and the sailing is smooth.  But the truth is, we struggle; we struggle with our own personal trials, weaknesses and the sins that so easily trouble...

Running to Win

Running to Win

If you have trusted Jesus as your personal Savior, do you consider that you are running the race for Christ?  If you are running the race, are you running to win for Christ?  How many runners would enter a race without the attitude that they were running to win, to cross the finish line?  Probably...

Missing True Christianity

Missing True Christianity

What is the difference between religion and true Christianity?  As Paul continues his letter to the Philippian believers, he explains the difference between mere religion and true Christianity.  Religion will never suffice, only true salvation gives assurance of eternal life.  Paul explained, “whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of...

Does My Character Reflect My Heavenly Citizenship?

Does My Character Reflect My Heavenly Citizenship?

As a born-again believer, I hold a dual citizenship; I am a citizen of the United States of America, but I am also a citizen of Heaven.  No doubt, on a daily basis, the way we live our lives in freedom reflects our American citizenship. But more importantly, the way we do life on a...

It’s Time!

It’s Time!

There are numerous occasions in our lives when it is apparent that it is time to take action.  For example, when severe weather is approaching your community; your weather app goes off and you know it is time to take action by going to a safe place.  But how often do you recognize God calling...